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Entrepreneurial Engineering Program

the need

The Need for a Systematic Approach Towards a Venture’s Success

Similar to businesses, startups and ventures struggle to renovate their relevance by creating complex visions. The chances of a complex vision being realized are compatible to betting on a roulette.


The most convincing explanation as to why most startups and ventures fail is that they run out of money.  Is running out of money really a reason? Actually, running out of money is the result of the lack of genuine ingenuity and the lack of rigorous thinking processes.

Elusive / Inquiry

The Elusive Nature of Creativity

Entrepreneurs better believe that they’ve created the 'million dollar idea'. Creativity may be exciting but it is simply not designed to provide viability or validity for complex visions.

In retrospect, the charm of creativity can sometimes be  misleading.


Entrepreneurial Experience vs. Entrepreneurial Engineering

Entrepreneurial studies are relatively new studies in the world. Many new programs are constantly being developed. This new study suggests two main approaches:


1.The Experience-Based Approach

This approach seeks and explores common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs in order to provide the ‘best practices’. The Experience-Based Approach provides  hands-on experiences and practical opportunities for mentorship, networking and venture-competition challenges.


2.The Engineering-Based Approach

This approach provides a rigor thinking method and systematic way to initiate and execute complex visions. Complex systems’ behavior requires the use of non-linear deductive logic. Scientifically, there is a methodical way to analyze complex situations, to conceive valid complex visions and to lead towards execution.



Complexity-Code: Engineering Based Approach

The Complexity-Code program is based on a discovery of latent patterns that enables the comprehension of complex systems. During the program, students will train their minds to recognize those unusual patterns.


The program is made up of two stages; beginner and advanced.


In the beginner stage, students will be exposed to the new logic through games and case studies and will tackle them step by step.


In the advanced stage, students will be exposed to a higher level of non-linear rules, and will apply those rules to actual situations.

Theory Foundations

Complexity-Code: Theory Foundations

With the increasing scientific familiarity of complex systems, scientists have developed a new language to describe their unusual patterns and qualities.



Cognitive ability to expose the basic patterns of complex systems



Cognitive ability to exploit the potential of complex systems



Cognitive wisdom to expect the unexpected

Iris Kim

The Founder

Iris Kim

Iris Kim is the creator of the Complexity-Code approach. Iris holds a B.Sc in Geophysics, Atmospheric Sciences and Space, an M.A. in Philosophy of Science from Tel Aviv University and an M.B.A. from Ono College. She has more than 10 years of experience implementing Complexity-Code in organizations and businesses.

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